- I’d like to redesign the look and feel of my digital garden.
- Nothing drastic, but to move more to a representative aesthetic.
- I want to try to maintain the cheap-n-cheerful weird web vibe, but also incorporate more of a nature-labour-technology solarpunk-ish look.
- I want my digital garden to be more visual, less textual.
- To be fair it is majority text, but I still want it to feel a bit more visual.
- My commonplace moodboard
Your garden is great. Can you possibly advise which template you use here? I can’t seem to find anything with Miller Columns like this has.
Hi Ryan, sorry for the very delayed reply! My garden is published via org-mode, with some custom JavaScript for the Miller columns.
You’ll find the JS here: https://gitlab.com/ngm/commonplace/-/tree/master/js
I based it in code from here: https://github.com/jethrokuan/cortex
You can find some discussion of it here: https://commonplace.doubleloop.net/how-i-publish-my-wiki-with-org-publish