While life happens, I’m not doing the work of cross posting my journal posts to this front page stream. But, you can follow along with the journal here if you like.
- Learned about Bunny Fonts from James.
- Looks great. GDPR friendly, and a much simpler way of of replacing Google Fonts than replacing Google Fonts remote server usage with a locally-served font.
- Replacing Google Fonts with Bunny Fonts.
- (What’s wrong with using Google Fonts?)
- Listened: Digitalisation and the Security State
- Important stuff. Everyone should listen to this.
- The connection between digital technology companies and state surveillance and violence.
- Israel is a major source of surveillance and weapons technology companies, selling to US and Europe technologies they have built to control the Palestinian people.
- Listened: How the North Plunders the South w/ Jason Hickel
- Some of the discussion around counties reclaiming agency over their trade overlaps with the material on the digital trade agenda in the Digital Capitalism online course.
- Listened: How the North Plunders the South w/ Jason Hickel
- Imperialism and neocolonialism.
- Unequal exchange.
- I finished off Week 3 of the Digital Capitalism online course.
- This week the topic was Digital colonialism.
- With mostly a focus on Data colonialism.
- In that focus on data I feel perhaps it omits some other colonial practices – such as in mining, manufacture and disposal related to ICT.
- Still – good stuff.
- Started listening to the masterclass for week 4, on the digital trade agenda.
- The point about why corporations love trade deals is really enlightening – easy way for them to bypass democratic discussion; lobby to get their way; once a trade deal is made, it’s very hard to change.
- Learning about ecology on Kinnu, I realise that it’s a great source of ideas for thinking in systems.
- It’s the ultimate system, basically.
- I think The Systems View of Life would be about this to some degree.
- Listened: Digital colonialism: Geopolitics of data and development
- Mostly Ulises Mejias‘ section.
- Data colonialism is his topic, works on it with Nick Couldry.
- He outlines the scale of the land grab of colonialism.
- Makes the connection to data colonialism.
- Draws a line from Cheap Nature to Cheap Labour to Cheap Data (the first two based on Jason W. Moore‘s ideas I’m assuming).
- Mostly Ulises Mejias‘ section.
- World-Ecology.
- I’d like to redesign the look and feel of my digital garden.
- Nothing drastic, but to move more to a representative aesthetic.
- I want to try to maintain the cheap-n-cheerful weird web vibe, but also incorporate more of a nature-labour-technology solarpunk-ish look.
- I want my digital garden to be more visual, less textual.
- To be fair it is majority text, but I still want it to feel a bit more visual.
- My commonplace moodboard
- Listened: Digital colonialism: Geopolitics of data and development
- From Digital Capitalism online course
- A mention of “Within the system, against the system, and beyond the system”
- Matches exactly with resist, regulate, recode