- Watched: Kohei Saito: “Climate Crisis and Ecological Revolution”
- On Degrowth communism.
- I actually watched this a while ago, just noting it now.
- I remember he mentioned commoning as an important aspect.
Kind: Articles
- Listened: The Santiago Boys.
- Finished the first episode. (Ep 1: A Blast in Manhattan).
- Chiefly about the political milieu in Chile at the time, and then how Fernando Flores invites Beer to work with them.
- Read: Red Enlightenment: On Socialism, Science and Spirituality
- Enjoying it. I am sympathetic to the idea of a secular spirituality of some kind.
- Jones is continuing his referencing to cybernetics and complex adaptive systems that was present in The Shock Doctrine of the Left, so I’m enjoying it on that level too.
- Listened: The Missing Revolution w/ Vincent Bevins
- On the uprisings of the 2010s and their failure to manifest as leftist revolutions in the long-term.
- On the problems of horizontalism. Bit of Horizontalism vs verticalism.
- Interview is a bit one-sided, Marxist-Leninist, missing the nuance of Neither Vertical Nor Horizontal I think.
- Still, really interesting, and based on on the ground accounts of what happened, so definitely to take heed of.
- Read: The Shock Doctrine of the Left
- Finished it. Reading it in lots of 20 minute late-night bursts while doing childcare.
- Very good. Primary focus on movement building, organising.
- Combination of left politics and complex adaptive systems is right up my street.
- Also touches on organisational ecology, care work.
- Would like to apply some of the concepts to reclaim the stacks.
- Particularly the description of using (and creating) shocks as points of leverage and transition is useful.
- Came across Graham Jones‘ work via #ACFM and enjoying it.
- Reading: The Shock Doctrine of the Left
- Listening: Red Enlightenment (podcast)
- Listened: #ACFM Trip 4: Love and Hate
- Listened: #ACFM Trip 5: Consciousness Raising
- Listened: #ACFM Microdose: Theories of Consciousness
- Listened: Why It’s Eco-Socialism or Collapse
- Interesting to see that ‘Challenging the size and power of the biggest tech companies was voted a top priority by Foxglove supporters in our new year survey.’
- From Foxglove’s newsletter on 24th January 2024.
- Very keen to see where they go with this
Listened: #ACFM Trip 1: Out of the Box
- First in the ACFM series.
- Discuss Acid communism, counterculture, consciousness raising. The role of culture in politics
- Listened: Trip 39: Protest
- On the topic of protest.
- Individual, collective. Marches, non-violence, direct action, boycotts etc.
- Whats effective and what isnt? Effective might mean different things, e.g. could be political change but could also be just connecting and energising a movement.
- Listened: Microdose: A Festive 50 for 2023
- Some good recs in here. To come back to and jot them down.
- Listened: Sellafield: Europe’s most toxic nuclear site
- Great to be living so close to this.
- Still, the story about how they revealed login credentials in the background of a Countryfile episode is hilarious.
- Listened: Hotel Bar Sessions: Trust