I finished Perdido Street Station. It was fantastically written and a genuine page turner. Also relentlessly, unremittingly grim.

Now I’m reading Pride and Prejudice so I don’t fall into a depression.

Bookmarked ‘Dark municipalism’ (unevenearth.org)

From the New Orleans school desegregation crisis (1960), when white schoolchildren went on strike to protest the federal government’s order to desegregate New Orleans elementary schools. by the Symbiosis Research Collective 
The Five Star Movement in Italy has been campaigning on a platform of d…

Current music plan: once I’ve exported my list of favourite tracks, close down Deezer account. Was costing me £9.99 a month. (When I first signed up someone told me it paid better to artists than Spotify, but I don’t know how true that is anymore and even if so, it’s probably still negligible amount.)

Host the tracks I own on personal streaming server (currently funkwhale on digitalocean, ~£4 month.) Buy tracks direct from bandcamp where possible, max £4 a month. £2 a month to resonate.

Woop woop! Listening to a track, offline, through Ultrasonic, that was originally served up by my newly installed funkwhale instance.

So… probably would have been a lot quicker just to copy it to my mobile. But hey now I know a lot more about docker-compose and nginx than I did before!


Oooh funkwhale has user libraries and funkwhale is compatible with Subsonic API and Ultrasonic is a Subsonic client app on f-droid that supports offline listening.

This just got very interesting…
