UPDATE 7th Nov 2019: snarfed‘s (author of granary) preference is for people to use a different of his tools, https://twitter-atom.appspot.com/, for this use case.  (see the discussion here).  Various reasons to do so, but chief of which I would say is that using twitter-atom you use your own app key, versus everyone piling on to granary and risking it getting in to trouble with Twitter.  I’ll keep this post here, but please use that tool instead!

My online social experience is mostly through the indieweb. For following people and blogs, I use Aperture, a Microsub server, to subscribe to various social feeds. And then I read and interact with those feeds in various clients – e.g. Indigenous on Android, and Monocle on the web.

Although I don’t use Twitter anymore, lots of people I find interesting still do. So I want a way of following their posts from within my Indieweb readers.

I use granary.io to follow Twitter people in my indieweb reader. What it does is convert a Twitter feed into a feed in a format that I can subscribe to via Microsub.

Continue reading “Following Twitter peeps in an indiereader with granary.io and Microsub”

For future peoples possibly encountering this same error:

"stream_socket_client(): SSL operation failed with code 1. OpenSSL Error messages: error:14094410:SSL routines:ssl3_read_bytes:sslv3 alert handshake failure stream_socket_client(): Failed to enable crypto stream_socket_client(): unable to connect to ssl://some.site:443 (Unknown error)

I was getting this on a server that was running PHP 7.1.  Upgrading to 7.3 resolved it.

(I also enabled SSL on the site that the call was being made from – a test site so it didn’t previously have any SSL – but I don’t think that made any difference.)

I’m going through the ‘Build A Laravel App With TDD’ series on Laracasts. I’m enjoying it a lot. It’s fun to code along in little step-by-step videos like this. It’s somewhere between reading a tutorial, doing a kata, and pair programming. Picking up lots of little tips about the framework, and tweaking my tools setup to keep up with the video with as little pausing as possible.