Mailshot says: Some very exciting news

Mailshot means: We weren’t making any money, we’re desperately trying something different, please click this button so our investors think its working

Huh, I got an email from saying ‘Hey, we miss you’.

I had forgotten I opened an account on m.s a long while back, before this one.

Generally skeptical of hey we miss you emails. Are they ever genuinely in your interest and not the platforms? I guess if a platform truly believes that they’re doing something good then maybe so. Hope I’ve not become bitter and cynical.

But. If it was titled ‘hey we want more active users’ I’d probably respect it more.

Programming learnings today:

– debugging WordPress plugins is a massive timesink, I really need to find a more elegant way of doing that if I wish to stick at that
– delegated access is really fun, it takes a while to wrap your head around different OAuth flows though

Really enjoying listening to backlog of episodes of

e.g. a discussion on human rights and how they relate to free software / free culture.

For me the intersection of ethics, politics and libre stuff is very important. Looking back I think I got into it for the fun of it but the philosophy always attracted me. I want to know if and how we can mobilise it as part of a transition to an egalitarian future, and what I can do to be a part of that.