Replied to (

Yea that looks like a cool site! I hope it catches on, but we also have IndieNews and and those have never really had huge usage.

Yea I think showing the replies inline makes it more interesting than just an aggregator to me. I hope it might stimulate some blogchains (

I kicked one off, if you’re interested! –

2 thoughts on “”

  1. Neil – I read your post about blogchains and that concept is one I was really hoping would happen with IndieForums! I’ve had a hard time following topics and conversations on IndieWeb sites if the conversation gets taken to another reply-thread. You get a reply, someone replies to that reply, but you as the OP or reader don’t really know that there is a thread now on that reply. But if you all reference some common aggregator, the thread can stay together.
    Also – one of the things I really liked (like? They aren’t all dead!) about forums versus something like Reddit or Facebook is that you can ressurect a thread from the past. One new reply and it’s back at the top, so the conversation can continue and new readers can easily find it.
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