Reading: Anarchist Cybernetics.
"With a focus on communication and how alternative social media platforms present new challenges and opportunities for radical organising, it sheds new light on the concepts of self-organization, consensus decision making, individual autonomy and collective identity."
@neil I’m keen to know if its good, and if it has a positive view of cybernetics then does it have a counter to tiqquns attack on cybernetics?
@starcide I’m early on but enjoying it so far – lucidly written.It’s a positive view of cybernetics – about how it can provide means of self-organisation without recourse to hierarchical state. I’ve not gotten there yet, but seems it’ll primarily focus on Beer’s Viable System Model.Tiqqun hasn’t been mentioned yet. I don’t know much here but Id say any disjunct would simply come from different views of what the philosophical purpose of cybernetics is. Growth, homeostasis, or autopoesis?
@neil I’m also reading it. In a book club setting with @karrot. Would be interested to compare notes/thoughts at the end. We’re some weeks away from finishing.Also having a call with the author who seems interested to connect more.