- Cooperation Jackson and the Jackson-Kush Plan are explicitly ecosocialist in outlook.
- There’s a good summary of ecosocialism in the intro to Jackson Rising Redux.
- They also work on the principle of instituting non-reformist reforms.
- What might some non-reformist reforms for digital ecosocialism be?
- Digital counterpower
Author: Neil Mather
- Read: Critique of techno-feudal reason
- Well, sort of read it – actually half listened to it via Wallabag while taking the bubba out for an early walk.
- Dense and erudite, as you expect from Morozov.
- Didn’t follow half of it this first time around to be honest, but I take away the basic message that he’s critical of the general idea of techno-feudalism.
- There is no capitalism without colonialism.
- Listened: The dangers of digital capitalism
- Excellent webinar from Transnational Institute.
- On digital capitalism and more.
- Some great speakers, I should find out more about them.
- I’ve come across Jack Qiu before from Goodbye iSlave.
- After a long hiatus, low-key writing Reclaim the Stacks: reflections, May 2024.
- Reading Critical Perspectives on Digital Capitalism: Theories and Praxis. Introduction to the Special Issue
- Digital Capitalism online course
- I finished Week 1.
- (Mostly – not had chance to go through all the further materials yet.)
- Read through some of the materials from week 1 of Digital Capitalism online course.
- What is digital capitalism?
- I finally managed to start (just as it’s finishing!) the Digital Capitalism online course from the Transnational Institute.
- “6 week essential course for activists to understand how digitalisation is shaping our world”
- The first week of which is titled ‘What is digital capitalism?’
- I’m most looking forward to week 6 – titled ‘What’s the alternative? The digital world we want to live in’
- And the tripleC special issue on digital capitalism just came out.
- Apropos of the above, for node club (AKA Homebrew Commons Club) I’m going to write about digital capitalism
- Ecology
- I should put more images in my garden.
- I stumbled on the page on Jean Baudrillard, which has no text. But the picture is fun.
- Finally finished watching Miners’ Strike 1984: The Battle For Britain.
- National Working Miners Committee. David Hart.
- Arthur Scargill. Sequestration of funds. Connection to Al-Zulfikar and Colonel Gaddafi for financial support.
- Ultimately that negative press seemed to be the final nail in the coffin of the strike.
- Read: What a waste: our study shows almost half of electricals sent for recycling could be reused
- The Restart Project set up in a Household Waste Recycling Centre (in Brent, London).
- Assessed the reusability of products being brought in for recycling.
- Shocking results: almost 50% could have an easy second life (either fully functional as is, or in need of only minor repair).
- There needs to be less focus on recycling, and much more on reuse and repair.
- Filtering and diverting initiatives should be mandatory.