Author: Neil Mather
Murray Bookchin was an OG solarpunk.
> If [the Luddites] had their way we wouldn’t be living in a world with ‘no technology’, we’d be living in a world where communities have a say in the technological decisions that will impact them.
– Why the Luddites Matter | LibrarianShipwreck
(via Harold Jarche
Somebody hook me up with a Marxist-Leninist-Maoist scam pls
I’ve been using my social reader a bit more again recently. It is very cool especially when set up with, I can follow people on Twitter and interact with them there while not actually really being on Twitter.
"What if we come together to reimagine the internet(s) as sustainable networks for solidarity and care?"
IAM weekend looks good.
But €50 I cant really justify when I won’t have the time to watch much of it.
This week for node club I’ll be noding [[Liberatory technology]]. Starting from Murray Bookchin’s take on it I think.
How long until there’s a GitHub Copilot but for your zettelkasten. Autocompleting your thoughts.
Gordon Brander’s article "Building a Second Subconscious" is nice.
His properties for what might make what you could call ‘convivial tools for thought’ are all pretty IndieWebby.