— The Left Hand of Darkness
Author: Neil Mather
"Faxe, I don’t think I understand."
"Well, we come here to the Fastnesses mostly to learn what questions not to ask."
"But you’re the Answerers!"
"You don’t see yet, Genry, why we perfected and practice Foretelling?"
"To exhibit the perfect uselessness of knowing the answer to the wrong question."
— The Left Hand of Darkness
— The Left Hand of Darkness
Bill Gates and his climate fund – it’s not a benevolent gift, it’s an investment with an expected return.
I feel like I’m missing this from ye olde paper and pencil days.
“Memory/narrative. Given the importance of strategy and grand strategy in anarchist cybernetics, functionality in an alternative digital platform to support long-term planning, for example through facilitating a narrative- or memory-focused layer to communication and organising, would be essential. This would entail a shift away from the short-term stream-centred approach of mainstream social media, where users experience content as isolated posts with little relation to what has come before them or what will follow them.”
— Anarchist Cybernetics