I had a hack about and got the beginnings of a local graph view working per page on my wiki.


It’s based on the graph visualisation code in .

I’ve turned it off again for now, as it’s super hacky and really slow. But could be good with a bit of tweaking.

I just reinstalled koreader on my kobo ereader. It’s come on so much since last time I used it (a year or two ago?) The fact that it’s a built-in menu in Nickel (Kobo’s default system) makes it so much easier to launch.

Dark mode is so nice. And now it has its own plugin, for reading articles you’ve saved online, which is awesome. (I was using Wallabako, which was cool but no longer needed).

My notes here: .

I wanted to see how my files look like in ‘s graph view. Commence massive yak shave to recursively convert a folder of org files to markdown. Result below, pretty much a copy paste from here: Bulk Org-Mode to Github Flavored Markdown. (I didn’t bother with github flavoured markdown though).

In the process I discovered that pandoc doesn’t convert extensions of cross-file links, which was massively annoying.

(require 'org)

(defun dired-org-to-markdown ()
    (let ((files
                     (let ((default-directory "."))
                       (mapcar #'expand-file-name
                                       (file-expand-wildcards "**/*.org")))
                   (let ((default-directory "."))
                           (mapcar #'expand-file-name
                                     (file-expand-wildcards "*.org")))
           (lambda (f)
                     (find-file-noselect f)


Pop the above in a file called something like export.el, then run it with:

emacs --batch --load=export.el

Watched @mayel@pub.mayel.space ‘s video on CommonsPub. Great project in general, particularly looking forward to Bread.Pub and Bonfire.

Along with the decentralised news, I think ‘ActivityPub but for economic activities’ is the other exciting direction for me right now. Like , and again @bob@epicyon.freedombone.net building sharing economy things into Epicyon.


Reading through the sites of longtimers of the web, like ‘s site, and more recently ‘ and Bill Seitz‘ wikis, and what they link to, makes you realise that there’s such a ton of written history out there. It’s a real treasure trove. And that it’s important that it has been recorded out on the open web, not in some silo that might have vanished and the history been lost.

Also makes me realise that much of what I’m thinking about has been thought about before! There’s some great resources out there. Phil calls some of the recent activity around this a or a reboot. It’s good to have history to read through.

Phil Jones has a page on his wiki about a : http://thoughtstorms.info/view/WebRenewal

The rediscovery of the same types of community and values that excited us at TheDawnOfWiki.

Hopefully a rediscovery that is long-lived?

That word ‘rediscovery’ chimes with the article that was in the MIT Technology Review recently: Digital gardens let you cultivate your own little bit of the internet. It’s a nice article, but is pretty much describing home pages from way back when, like they’re a new thing.

It’s not the hyped-up search for WebThreePointZero or TheNextBigThing. Instead it’s a return to seeking something of the openness and freedom that has been lost with the rise of giants like Twitter, Facebook and Google.

– http://thoughtstorms.info/view/WebRenewal

I hope the openness and freedom comes back and remains. I have a bit of a worry that for example Roam Research is going to become something like the Facebook of the personal wiki.