I changed my `dotspacemacs-frame-title-format` value to:

dotspacemacs-frame-title-format "%t | %b"

`%t` is projectile-project-name, and `%b` is buffer name. So I will see something like "org | Tasks.org" as the frame title.

The default is `"%I@%S", which is invocation-name@system-name, e.g. emacs@neil-ThinkPad-T450s, which I don’t find that useful.

Replied to How do I POSSE to Mastodon now? by an author (diggingthedigital.com)

This is what I’m running into to try to make new Indieweb technology as simple to explain as possible. Ryan Barrett did some amazing work and made it possible to connect your own Mastodon account to your site. So you can get likes and replies from Mastodon in the comments of your own site. But you…

I wonder if it posted just the title and the link as it recognised this post as an article type (you can see objectType: article in the logs).

If you were to create a note then it would post the full content of the note as a toot, I think.

Replied to How do I POSSE to Mastodon now? by an author (diggingthedigital.com)

This is what I’m running into to try to make new Indieweb technology as simple to explain as possible. Ryan Barrett did some amazing work and made it possible to connect your own Mastodon account to your site. So you can get likes and replies from Mastodon in the comments of your own site. But you…

The way I tested it is as you described – by adding the brid.gy/publish/mastodon link as a custom provider in Syndication Links.

My own test post wasn’t great though – it included the link back to my site (even though I have it set not to in Syndication Links), and also included the text ‘Also on’.

When I get chance I will test it further, and maybe write a blog post revisiting all the different IndieWeb to Mastodon options!

Replied to Mastodon on Bridgy by Ryan BarrettRyan Barrett (snarfed.org)

https://snarfed.org/mastodon_elephant_curious.png https://snarfed.org/mastodon_elephant_curious.png
Mastodon is now on Bridgy! Both backfeed and publish (aka POSSE) are fully supported. Feel free to try them out! And let me know if you hit any bugs, problems, or missing features.
(If you’re alread…

Woah, nice! ?
Reimagination of the party structure through digital platforms. Populism through digitality.

’emerging organisations such as Momentum, the Five Star Movement, Podemos, France Insoumise and many others as “digital parties”, or “platform parties,” […] following the logic of the digital platforms of contemporary capitalism and mimicking operations like Facebook, Google, Apple and Amazon.’


Learned a little bit about FPGAs from Alan of myStorm today. I’m a long way from clocking it all, but I think a couple of concepts sunk in… I’d like to know more about chip design and hardware, the fundamentals.

The BlackIce Mx looks super fun, an open hardware FPGA dev board. Someone was demoing the NES chips built on one, and Alan showed me an implementation of RISC-V. https://mystorm.uk/mystorm-opensource-fpga-hardware-blackice-mxusing-blackedge/