Author: Neil Mather
Technological utopianism ‘sees technological progress as the means to bring about a perfect society.’
On Utopianism: ‘a map of the word that does not include Utopia is not worth even glancing at’
but: ‘Utopianism can abridge our capacity to imagine what true emancipation might look like’
"More broadly, this restriction is the kind of gradual progression toward repair fear and uncertainty we were afraid we’d see after Apple’s independent repair program announcement. It allows Apple to further restrict the repair market to those who buy their parts and sign up for their certification."
> Package html2text is obsolete!
It’s because I have an old version of mu and mu4e ( I’m on 0.9.18, which is the version that is in the Ubuntu 18.04 repos (, and hence what Mint 19.2 has. There doesn’t seem to be a PPA with a newer version.
It’s possibly an argument against using Mint for my personal desktop. I don’t need the stability that a server or office machine might need. I like Mint, I think it does a number of things well, but I may switch to Debian again for rolling releases (for example, in Debian Bullseye, mu4e is on 1.2.0 (
Sat 28/9 unconference sessions on all things #IndieWeb
Sun 29/9 building your own next step on the IndieWeb.
Register and get more info at
I’ve been reading through the first chapter of The Little Schemer, and following along in Emacs (specifically: spacemacs).
I jotted down a few notes on getting set up to do this.
First off you’ll need to install a Scheme implementation. There’s a few of them out there. This Reddit thread has some useful discussion on the pros and cons of each of them.
As I’m on Linux and using Emacs, I went with Guile.
To install on Linux Mint, you just need:
sudo apt install guile-2.2
At this point, you could simply fire up Guile and work within the REPL there, if you wanted.
I want to write my Scheme in Emacs, and then send it to the REPL from there. The preferred Emacs package for that seems to be geiser. In spacemacs, geiser comes included with the scheme layer, so all you need to do is add that layer into your config and you’ve got geiser (and some other handy scheme bits and pieces).
Once you’re in a scheme file, run M-x run-geiser
, choose guile from the dropdown, and that’ll start up the Guile REPL and allow you to send parts of your file to it for evaluation. C-x C-e
for example will send the sexp before the cursor.
Really great schedule of talks lined up – spanning maintenance of tech, infrastructure, clothing, data, our relationships with each other, everything.
Honestly, blind growth and productivity is dead. Forget the cult of disruption and ‘innovation’. Repair and maintenance is where the cool kids are at these days.
#FestivalOfMaintenance #Maintenance
3 days of repair activists sharing knowledge, experience and advice.
As well as the launch of the European #RightToRepair campaign!
The overarching theme this year was Repair For Climate. Keeping devices lasting longer can have a huge effect on emissions, so we need to keep pressuring manufacturers and policy makers to let us do it.