About half of the land in England is owned by about 0.06% of the population.

‘This period was, in effect, the birth of private property as we know it in England – and the consequences have been dramatic. Today, Fairlie explains, “nearly half the country is owned by 40,000 land millionaires, or 0.06% of the population”.’


Listened to Helena Hauff @ Solid Steel Radio Show – 27/10/2017 from Invidious

Helena Hauff Live – Solid Steel Radio Show – 27/10/2017 Tracklist: – The Pulse Projects – Black Catalogue Rituals (Subapical 02) – Damcase ‎- PI03.1 (Pi Electronics) – Datasmok – 004 (Mord) – I-F ‎-

Favourite jockier of discs right now is Helena Hauff ?

watch on: invidious | youtube. (?)

This set is choc full of absolute bangers #NowPlaying

I went in the garden and looked at the stars. Often would as a kid, but not done so for far too long. Cassiopeia, Big Dipper, Little Bear. Celestial bodies. Fucking hell – what a shot of the sublime. I need more of that in my head. Helps keep the ridiculous at bay.