I went in the garden and looked at the stars. Often would as a kid, but not done so for far too long. Cassiopeia, Big Dipper, Little Bear. Celestial bodies. Fucking hell – what a shot of the sublime. I need more of that in my head. Helps keep the ridiculous at bay.
Listened to Could Boris Johnson’s explosive election strategy work? from the Guardian

Anushka Asthana hears from the Guardian’s John Harris on how the chaos in Westminster looks to people in towns around the UK

I really worry that the Johnson/Cummings approach will go down well in a general election. The narrative that they’re trying to deliver the will of the people, but having to battle a meddling legislature, resonates with many. Never mind that BJ+co are privileged shits who couldn’t care less about the general public. Somehow people ignore that.

This is a good podcast talking about views from the North-West, anywhere but Westminster really.


Yesterday I made a loaf of bread.

Today I harvested some runner beans.

Full disclosure – I used a bread maker and the bean plants were grown by my Mum.

But still. Enjoying a bit of pastoral-ish life away from the city for a while.

Just so you know, there’s an Alliance of Radical Booksellers in the UK: http://www.radicalbooksellers.co.uk

In order to qualify as an ARB member, the bookseller must:

– be informed by socialist, anarchist, environmental, feminist or anti-racist concerns
– stock or sell books which inspire, support or report on political and/or personal change in the global, national or local sphere

Quick note, seems that in Linux Mint when you create a new admin user via the GUI interface, you can only use sudo once you’ve restarted the machine. (Just logging out and in again didn’t seem to do anything).