Ik heb met veel interesse de blogposts van Ton gelezen hoe hij na 100 dagen Obsidian gebruikt als zijn Personal Knowledge Management instrument. Na een hoog over introductie over zijn eigen werk- en projectprincipes (enorm interessant!) duikt hij in twee posts de diepte in, hoe hij Obsidian inricht …
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I read it just after it came out, but Jared Diamond’s book The World Until Yesterday: What Can We Learn from Traditional Societies? has some good material on this topic as well. His work is more toward topics like restorative justice and judicial topics as well as cultural and social pieces we cou…
Ton en Neil linken beiden naar een interessant artikel wat ik op mijn leeslijst zet voor de komende dagen. “This is Fine: Optimism & Emergency in the P2P Network” vertelt over de huidige stand van zaken van p2p netwerken en hoe ze er zijn gekomen. Toch lijkt p2p maar niet grootschalig van de gro…
MENLO PARK, CA—In an effort to curtail the organization’s outsized influence, Facebook announced Monday that it would be implementing new steps to ensure the breakup of the U.S. government before it becomes too powerful.
via Jan
can we fast forward past the era of individualism and into the time of collectivism and strong communal ties?
Earlier in the week, I noted the release of IndieAuth 3.5.0, but I didn’t explain the major under the hood changes that occurred here in a post, which I need to do as at least one person is experiencing issues(probably necessitating a 3.5.1 as soon as I figure out why.)
I also noted I forgot to de…
Micropub 2.2.0 has one major change in it. IndieAuth client code was removed. This code now lives in the IndieAuth plugin. This means that Micropub does not check for scopes. It uses the built-in WordPress capability system to determine if an action should be performed.
The IndieAuth plugin limits c…
So here we are now. A collection of text files, a lot of bash scripts and a single Perl file to handle the web mentions – because no one wants to be trying to parse JSON using shell, am I right?
Looking good! Are you going to add h-entry markup?
Fortunate to see another year in my life, tbh. I’m just thinking about that.

Fuck, I love this. https://window-swap.com. Look out of someone else’s window for a change, a nice change, at the moment. This is what makes the internet great!