On the question of the [[horizontalism vs verticalism]] (and presumably a synthesis)
[[jackson rising]]
Sorry for the noise.
+ Keep on hearing [[Looking Backward]] mentioned in various places. WLTR.
+ Chuffed to have found my old notes on [[Jackson Rising]] from social.coop reading group. Was a really inspiring book. Might re-read. Should at least see where CJ is now.
+ Oh nice, there’s a [[Jackson Rising Redux]] soon to be published this year. Looks like it might reuse a lot from Jackson Rising, but that’s alright.
Doing something good to the ol’ brain chemistry.
I feel catalysed.
@flancian did it too – very nice to do some [[parallel writing]].
+ I like [[Bill Seitz]]’s page on [[parallel writing]]. [[node club]] is an example of it.
"Using everything from old milk boxes or beat-up Volvos, here are six musicians or collectives embracing the act of upcycled instrumentation."
+ Reported an issue to [[Resonate]] and it was fixed tout suite. Nice peeps.
+ Bookmarked: [[General Idea of the Revolution in the Twenty-First Century]]. Sadly looks Occupy hope/hubris that didn’t come to pass.
+ So: [[Revolution in the twenty-first century]]. Plenty of hot takes if you do an interwebs search for it.
+ Reading: [[The Tyranny of Openness: What Happened to Peer Production?]]. Another good ‘un from [[Nathan Schneider]].
+ Landing on articles from [[2011]] full of revolutionary fervour. Planning to listen to [[Occupy Wall Street: A Decade Later]].
+ I want to fire up the [[Captain’s Log]] again. It was a lot of fun and I love the visualness of it. All text all the time is boring. But can’t seem to find the time right now.