Liked IndieWebCamp, Berlin 2018 ( )

Last weekend I attended my very first IndieWebCamp in Berlin. I planned it very last minute and was lucky that flights were still at an acceptable price. I’ve been wanting to attend one for a while. I found out about the IndieWeb because somehow I stumbled upon a list of blogs that were created in…

Bookmarked How Circular is the Circular Economy? (LOW-TECH MAGAZINE)

The circular economy – the newest magical word in the sustainable development vocabulary – promises economic growth without destruction or waste. However, the concept only focuses on a small part of total resource use and does not take into account the laws of thermodynamics. Illustration: Diego Marmolejo. Introducing the Circular Economy The circular economy has become, for many governments, institutions, companies, and environmental organisations, one of the main components of a plan to lower carbon emissions. In the circular economy, resources would be continually re-used, meaning that there would be no more mining activity or waste production. The stress is on recycling, made possible by designing products so that they can easily be taken apart. Attention is also paid to…
