Read Real Utopias: Switzerland’s Housing Co-ops (

As countries across Europe struggle with housing crises, Switzerland’s innovative housing co-operatives point the way towards an alternative.

Despite a lot of interest, there’s only a small amount of co-op housing in the UK. Most non-profit housing is charitable housing associations. Large housebuilders have a stranglehold on the market overall.

“the Swiss example shows how these non-state and non-capitalist actors can build quality housing at a mass scale, if they’re encouraged — and that they can create a model of housing provision that moves beyond speculation into something more democratic and innovative.”

This article points to Switzerland and Zurich in particular as examples of more active housing co-op markets. Although it doesn’t give much insight into how to get to that point from our current position in the UK.

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Those are some fun memories 🙂 I like that secondary use of an ‘on this day’ widget – as part of the weeding and watering of one’s blog. I have a ‘random post’ page that I occasionally use and aim to use more – partly to surface old memories, but also it works as a small microtask for myself – did I tag and categorise the post? Does it have the right post kind? And maybe more interestingly, how have my thoughts changed over time – is it time to write a new post on the topic?
Wow, Jennie Lee and Nye Bevan – now that’s a relationship with a pretty epic dynasty. (Drivers behind the Open University and the National Health Service respectively).

A current Labour policy is for the creation of a National Education Service, seeing education as a lifelong right rather than a commodity you pay for. Issues with ‘national’ / ‘state’ anything aside, putting an emphasis on socialised education again is great.

Replied to by Ton Zijlstra (
I use Mastodon Autopost ( for this.  (I think originally came across it via Chris Aldrich).  You can choose per post whether you want to post to your instance.  I also added a couple of very hacky functions ( to add it as a Micropub syndication target.