Really nice post by @rhiaro about Open Data Services Coop’s climate policies.
It’s all really interesting, in particular that question of – what scale should we be pushing change?
Does individual action make any difference? Does a small org make any difference? Such a tough one but I totally agree that “at the very least we can spread the message, the intent, the energy to our friends, family, and possibly our clients, who might spread it onwards.”
Really nice indeed. Thank you for pointing me (and other readers of your blog) to it. You’re likely already familiar with it, but just in case a text that had a profound impact on me is Buddhist Economics by E.F. Schumacher. It’s available at
Thank you for sharing Panda, I am not familiar with it (although I have a vague memory that someone – probably you! – mentioned it in passing recently). Thanks for sharing, I’ve added it to my to-read list.
Off topic. It would be helpful if you could have an option that one is notified by email of further comments to a post they commented on. I only figured out your response by going back to this post and refreshing the page as I thought you may be responding something.