Interesting critique of worker coops. Main argument seems to be that they remove people from union organising and class struggle.
cooperatives retreat from the direct struggle between workers and owners to instead build worker-owners.
Not sure I get it… thoughts?
Direct struggle between workers and owners being a forever thing implies owners will be a forever thing.
Looks like these authors are wobs, so I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt.
Certainly the commercial media are going full-court-press promoting (individual) self employment as the cure for the various problems associated with employment. It’s become quite cliche. For example, you can make a regular drinking game of drinking whenever the enterprise in question turns out to be cupcakes. I don’t approve of entrepreneurship as a real alternative to employment, as it breeds toxic social phenomena such as hustle culture and salespersonship. Cooperatives I generally think of as if anything more radical than trade unionism, although there are more and less compromised versions of both.