Author: Neil Mather
Been noodling with publishing org-roam via GitLab CI today, and made a good bit of progress.
Interview with Omana George of Electronics Watch.
She discusses some of the problems in electronics supply chains, and the general anti-union and anti-organising practices of tech firms.
Interesting critique of worker coops. Main argument seems to be that they remove people from union organising and class struggle.
cooperatives retreat from the direct struggle between workers and owners to instead build worker-owners.
Not sure I get it… thoughts?
Nice little story on a cafe in New Orleans transitioning to worker co-op, working with Cooperation New Orleans.
Oh sweet, Hetzner server backups are daily, as opposed to weekly on Digital Ocean.
Like its near-neighbour Preston, Salford’s left-leaning council has put socialist policies into practice at a local level – and been rewarded with public housing, well-paying jobs, insourcing and a greener city.
The view towards the Lake District from the top of Hoad Hill.
For all their disruption, the one thing Silicon Valley has not touched is the ownership and governance structure of a typical capitalist firm.
Lovely image of the coop principles, I like the old school chalkboard look.
Came across it in DisCO Elements, originally seems to be from here: