I’ve been reading through ‘s articles on his PKM system. . It’s of great interest to me because I really respect Ton’s views, and I’m keen to see where it might help me reflect on my own system. Ton tries to avoid silos and lock-in, and has recently been able to move much of his system to plain-text and , and I think many of the methods would translate to org-mode, if I wanted them to. Thanks Ton for sharing it in such detail. https://www.zylstra.org/blog/2020/10/100-days-in-obsidian-pt-1/
Liked 100 Days in Obsidian, Pt. 1 by Ton Zijlstra (zylstra.org)

I’ve been using Obsidian a little over 100 days now. So, with over three months of daily use it’s good to review the experience. I will do this in some detail, and it will span several blogposts. To explain both the evolution over time, as well as how I currently work with Obsidian in practice i…

Liked Open Social 2007 – IndieWeb 2020 by Ton Zijlstra (zylstra.org)

Thirteen years ago today I blogged about Google launching Open Social, an API that would allow developers to tap into multiple social networks at once. It was supposed to be an answer to Facebook (who then had opened up their platform silo for developers to build small applications (since removed as…

Liked De zoektocht naar een systeem by Frank Meeuwsen (diggingthedigital.com)

Ik heb met veel interesse de blogposts van Ton gelezen hoe hij na 100 dagen Obsidian gebruikt als zijn Personal Knowledge Management instrument. Na een hoog over introductie over zijn eigen werk- en projectprincipes (enorm interessant!) duikt hij in twee posts de diepte in, hoe hij Obsidian inricht …