RSVPed: Attending ONLINE: Homebrew Website Club Lancaster

Welcome to Homebrew Website Club Lancaster!
Due to a) coronavirus; b) finding a cafe open after 6pm, we’ll have this one online! Join at
If you’re looking to work on your website, start a new site, write a new blog post (or finish an existing one), explore the IndieW…

Going, and as an extra bonus I’m sending this RSVP from Indigenous on my phone
At IndieWebCamp London hack day today (virtually) – working on some events-related stuff.

Following on from the OwnYourRSVPs session, I’m going to try and decouple myself a bit from Meetup. I can get a feed of events in my social reader, and RSVP to them via the support Jamie added to for Meetup.

I’ll also try to publish my ‘agenda’ page (like Seb’s) for others to discover events, and maybe set up an RSVP iCal feed for my own use (like Jamie’s).

RSVPed: Attending Catch up over a cup of delicious coffee (or tea)

Lancaster Digital Friday Coffee

Lancaster, GB
169 Members

This is a group for anyone working in digital who works from home on a Friday. Let’s meet for a coffee in the morning and talk about what we’re working on. Tea drinkers welcom…

Next Meetup

Catch up over a cup of delicious coffee (or tea)

Friday, May 8, 2020, 9:00 AM
1 Attending

Check out this Meetup Group →

Always great to catch up with the Digital Coffee crew.Β  I wonder if it will be remote only this time though?
Really enjoying the online sessions from IndieWebCamp London. Kevin has discussed IndieWeb building blocks and Jamie has described how he uses Micropub to publish straight into a git repo as part of building his static site.
Just started reading The Shallows (strapline: ‘How the internet is changing the way we think, read and remember’) by Nicholas Carr. Enjoying it a lot so far.

He has mentioned HyperCard, Marshall McLuhan and how neurons work. So this is all relevant to my interests.