Author: Neil Mather
David Graeber here mentions that the aircraft and tanks supplied to Turkey need regular maintenance and repair, and that it’s not happening in Turkey, it’s happening in other Nato countries. Who’s doing it? Could we push for a down tools like the Rolls-Royce workers did when refusing to service the planes used in Pinochet’s Chile?
This news makes me really sad.
Follow @debbiebookchin on twitter for updates on the situation…
In a time of ‘single issue’ politics, a bold Green New Deal strategy with net zero target of 2030 is a really good one for Labour. Easy to get behind: it’s good for people’s lives, it’s good for the environment. Tories are banging the single issue drum of Brexit, Labour should bang the Green New Deal drum louder.
In 1976 the Lucas Plan from Lucas Aerospace was outlined by workers – a strategy to avoid job losses by transitioning to production of things useful to society. Some of those things were heat pumps, solar cell technology, wind turbines and fuel cell technology.
“The proposals were rejected out of hand by L.A. management”
Could have been a mini green new deal in 1976…
Went to the Museum of Science and Industry in Manchester today. Had a bit of a brain flipout taking in all the intersection of cotton mills, labour, industry, capitalism and slave materials, looms and textile machines, early computers and computer theory, all the parallels to the current 3rd and 4th industrial revolutions.
Also I now have a hitherto unknown love of fibres and yarn and textile manufacturing machines, they are wild. Also I kind of want to do some knitting.
(A mechanical love that is.Β As historical artifacts they are pretty checkered.)
Got problems on my box installing Guix when using UEFI and GPT. But it’s working alright with BIOS and MBR. I’m not anywhere near likely to use a 2TB drive anytime soon. I can live with logical partitions. Do I lose anything else if I just stick with BIOS/MBR? Any performance issues?
I think that a personal wiki should be primarily ‘for you’. Keep the barrier to writing in it low. It’s not performative. If it’s a jumbled mess, that’s fine, as long as you can navigate through it. If others’ happen to find some needles of information in your haystack, great. But that’s not the goal. If you want to concretely share some info with the wider world, shape part of your wiki into an article.
Whew boy, there’s a real phalanx of uninspired skyscrapers screeching up in central Manchester right now. Dunno if it’s offices, expensive flats, or what. Who’s building them? Who are they for?
As I’m starting my personal wiki / knowledge base, first thing I’m noticing is that I feel like I shouldn’t just be trying to collect ‘knowledge’ on ‘topics’… if it becomes just a set of ‘facts’ that I’ve discovered about my particular interests, then it’s just a poorly maintained subset of Wikipedia… I think the trick is to make sure not to lose the personal and the personality. It should be the stuff that Wikipedia deliberately avoids.