Good news as EU formally adopts Ecodesign measures:

– As of 2021, all TVs, monitors, fridges, freezers, washing machines, washer-dryers, dishwashers and lighting products placed on the EU market will have to meet minimum repairability requirements aimed at extending their lifetime.
– Manufacturers will have to ensure that appliances can be easily disassembled with commonly available tools.
– Spare parts and repair information will have to be made available to professional repairers for a minimum number of years.

I saw a chameleon up close today, never have before. They’re wild! Eyes that move independently of each other and all over the place. And it moved around like it was stop-motion animated, and had these funny little pincer hands with little fingers. It kept on sticking its tongue out almost as a way of wayfinding. Quite a character.

I felt sorry for it being cooped up like that though.

Peterloo mural outside the People’s History Museum.

The first victim of the Peterloo massacre was a two year old. One point of the mural is to say, if the same protest was to happen again today, who would the people be and what would they be fighting for?

There was a protest against the Tories by the Greater Manchester Coalition of Disabled People.

I enjoyed the singing of:

You can stick your work assessment up your arse,
you can stick your work assessment up your arrrse,
you can stick your work assessment,
stick your work assessment,
stick your work assessment up your arse.

(to the tune of “she’ll be coming round the mountain”)