IndieForums looks nice. Seems like it might be a good catalyst for some blogchains and hyperconversations.
Category: Uncategorized
I’ve been using Emacs for the last 5 years or so. Before that was Vim. I actually use Spacemacs, a flavour of Emacs that uses Vi-like keybindings.
It has an unfortunately steep learning curve, but I like it because it is libre software that has been around for almost 50 years, and a huge ecosystem and community has grown around it.
Jammed: Moderat – Seamonkey
Maggie Appleton has dropped an update to her awesome A Brief History & Ethos of the Digital Garden page, and it now has a section The Six Patterns of Gardening. The patterns she lists chime excellently with how I view digital gardens. Her page is the best intro to them, IMO.
Having a ‘nowtions’ / ‘top of mind’ page in my digital garden is working well. I add new notions to it as they crop up, and visit it regularly which works as lowkey spaced repetition.
YunoHost has a really interesting governance structure, involving special interest groups, a council, and consensus for decision making.
Greenspace Hack looks like a nice project. Crowdsourced documentation of greenspaces, as a source of grassroots input into urban planning decisions.
Discovered via FairTEC – "a collective group of actors committed to digital sobriety".
They are offering rental of Fairphones with /e/ preinstalled, with a SIM.
Commown looks *really* interesting
"A cooperative electronics rental service. Commown will never sell a smartphone and guarantees to do everything possible to repair and (re)rent them for as long as possible."
Respect to the project managers of the world. That stuff is hard.