Bookmarked Outcome from our second open assembly by greenanticapitalistfront (

On the 4th May 2019, the Green Anti-Capitalist Front (GAF) held its second open assembly. Approximately seventy people attended, the majority for their first time. The assembly’s agenda was divided into two parts: the first focusing on clarifying the aims and principles of GAF, reflecting on past …

Bookmarked Innovation Systems and System Network Agent Theory and #IndieWeb by J. Gregory McVerry (

Now that #IndieWeb buillding blocks have reached a each generation originally proposed in the Generation model the community has begun to explore a broader conceptual models to explain our work. Innovation systems and system network agent theory provide an interesting model

Bookmarked Decentralising geographies of political action: Civic Tech and place-based municipalism (The Journal of Peer Production)

This article introduces the concept of ‘place-based civic tech’ — citizen engagement technology codesigned by local government, civil society and global volunteers. It investigates to what extent creating such a digital space for autonomous self-organization allows for the emergence of a parallel, self-determining and more place-based geography of politics and political action.