Kind: Bookmarks
Speaking of a feudal internet… this looks like a fun read: The Serfs of Facebook
(h/t Tomáš Jakl)
Very cool to see that Piper Haywood is working on a WordPress theme based on commonplace books.
This is a simple, translation-ready WordPress theme that came about after conversations with designer Bec Worth about the usefulness of a Commonplace Book and what it could feel like on the web.
A work-in-progress, but I really liked Piper’s previous Notebook theme, so I’m excited to see this new theme evolve, especially given my interest in commonplace books.
I don’t currently have any analytics on my own personal website – I’m much more interested in genuine active interactions than shaped passive interactions. I kind of feel like passive analytics, visitor counts, etc, in a personal context, can feed into the performative aspect of the web. Like, "this post did better, I should write more like this". Losing some of your own voice to serve the numbers.
That said, in an organisational context, analytics can be very useful. "This visitor genuinely wanted to learn more about us, but struggled because X". And I would really like to not use Google. So I might have a play with Matomo on my own site and see if we could use it at work.