When you’re in the mountains and the view across lake Zug (this is the already cleared up one), isn’t to your liking….
…you have the option to rise above it by driving up the mountain the house is on.
Although the lake is then replaced with a sea of clouds.
Liked Anna Malina by Kicks Condor(kickscondor.com)
These GIFs seem pretty haunted to me. Pretty much the opposite of ‘cinemagraphs’.
At IWC in Dusseldorf in May, I managed to break my old website. I broke it, while I was trying to fix it, so that I could export all my old posts, and import them into Known that runs this site. Turns out updating a site with code written in 2003-6 from PHP 5.x to 7.2 can result in a number of thi…
Kevin Marks wearing an IndieWebCamp t-shirt leading a discussion session with a projector screen next to him showing an indie event for Homebrew Website Club
On Friday 2019-10-25 I participated in Redecentralize Conference 2019, a one-day unconference in London, England on the topics of decentralisa…