+ I am writing this from [[MX Linux]]! My notes on [[Setting up a new box]] have been super helpful – glad I made those. I’m fleshing them out now as I set up this fresh box.

+ [[Problems with an old mouse]] now! Freezing/dying occassionally. What’s going on, this stuff seemed to have all been ironed out. Maybe the mouse is busted.
+ Actually it’s been OK for a while since plugging in to a different USB port. Maybe it’s the port.

+ [[syncthing]] is amazing. I have no idea how it works most of the time, but it does (most of the time). It just magically picked up a suggested peer, presumably because they’re on the same network.

+ Had fun clicking around on [[Thompson Morrison]]’s wiki.
+ Came across it as he linked to http://wellspring.fed.wiki/view/wiki-nature in the FedWiki chat. [[Wiki Nature]].
+ From there found stuff on complex systems, [[autopoesis]], etc. Rad.
+ Found a little sentence on [[Occupy and stigmergy]] wiki. Very interesting to me.
+ I’ve added Thompson to [[My garden circles]].

+ Bookmarked and read: [[The Stigmergic Revolution]]

+ [[Pharo]] and [[Glamorous Toolkit]] look interesting.

+ Listened to Novara Media on [[Ukraine]]. In a nutshell describing what’s currently happening as [[information warfare]], where it’s almost impossible to know what’s actually happening. Their advice: read from plenty of disparate sources. And that it’s probably more fruitful to familiarise with history, reasons for current grievances, etc. than try to follow current events. Adam Tooze has good blo g on this, they say. https://adamtooze.com

Really enjoyed reading @ntnsndr’s article [[Governable Stacks against Digital Colonialism]] for [[node club]]. Makes a ton of sense to me.

The ability to self-govern feels key to any alternative to big tech that we build or use, and feels a lot like commoning.

And the ‘stack’ element is vital – what use would a democratically-owned social media platform be, say, if it runs on a server owned by Amazon and you access it on a device locked down by Apple or Google over internet from a big telco.

Been reading [[Against Digital Colonialism]] for [[node club]].

It’s a great article.

"With almost half of humanity without access to basic forms of connectivity and entire countries with a pending digitisation process, new patterns of domination have just begun to emerge. This paper identifies these problems and suggests a technical and regulatory path to neutralise and reverse them in order to secure a future of digital autonomy, democracy, sovereignty and dignity."

Not only is vaccine inequity abhorrent, without vaccine equity we are perpetuating a global health risk.

The best way to improve access is enabling the local means of production of vaccines. That is prevented at the moment by patents and blocked technology transfer.

Basically a lack of knowledge sharing due to profit motives is killing people.