Now Online Only
Out of an abundance of caution regarding COVID-19 (coronavirus), we have decided to switch all London meetups to online-only for the foreseeable future.
We will provide a Zoom video conference link 20 minutes before the meetup here and in the IndieWeb chat.
Homebrew Website Club is a…
One of the perks of events moving online for the foreseeable future, is that I can attend HWC London again!
IndieWebCamp London was great.Β Lovely people.Β I always come out of IndieWebCamps feeling inspired.
Due to COVID-19, it had to be moved at short notice to an online-only event, and it worked really well.
I had good success with my RSVPs and Meetup on hack day – I’ll make a blog post about that soon.
At IndieWebCamp London hack day today (virtually) – working on some events-related stuff.
Following on from the OwnYourRSVPs session, I’m going to try and decouple myself a bit from Meetup. I can get a feed of events in my social reader, and RSVP to them via the support Jamie added to for Meetup.
I’ll also try to publish my ‘agenda’ page (like Seb’s) for others to discover events, and maybe set up an RSVP iCal feed for my own use (like Jamie’s).