Quoted An economy that works (CUSP)

Prosperity itself transcends material concerns. It isn’t just about earning more and having more. It has vital social and psychological dimensions. To do well is in part about our ability to give and receive love, to enjoy the respect of our peers, to contribute useful work, to feel secure, to have a sense of belonging and trust in our community. Prosperity consists in our ability to participate meaningfully in the life of society. All the things, in short, that had gone missing for ordinary people over recent decades.

Quoted (Babylon and Beyond)

Open source is an excellent example of how something that does not directly increase GNP can fuel real prosperity[…] It is a stunning example of how both the market and the state can be bypassed by cooperative creativity. The barrier between user and provider is eroded; a direct agreement between society members is maintained… Marx would have been a Firefox user.

I used snap for the first time today, while setting up a demo nextcloud server. All dependencies in one bundle, it was incredibly simple. Has anyone else used it, is there a catch? (aside from the wasted disk space from not sharing dependencies) Pros/cons?