Replied to Taking e-mail back, one user account at a time by Ton Zijlstra (

Today I changed the way we use e-mail addresses for identification on-line.

Thanks for this writeup, Ton.  I have been using a gmail account as the firewall between the world and my real email account, but this looks like it could be even better.  I’m not particularly happy with some of my mail going through Gmail, even if it’s just for the more disposable accounts.
RSVPed: Attending BarnCamp – Upgrade Your Activism – Rural skillsharing event in the Wye Valley

BarnCamp is a low-cost rural DIY skill-sharing event started by UK tech collective Hacktionlab. It is open to everyone: activists, campaigners, people involved in social and community groups, and anybody else with an interest in technology and how to subvert it and put it to good use. All skill levels are invited and we promise that workshops are not too geeky due to our infamous nerd gag

Looking forward to this!  Camping, tech, and activism, all in the lovely Wye Valley.

Last weekend was IndieWebCamp Utrecht. I went along and had a great time learning, hacking, and seeing some parts of Holland.

IndieWebCamps are brainstorming and building events where IndieWeb creators gather semi-regularly to meet in person, share ideas, and collaborate on IndieWeb design, UX, & code for their own sites. — IndieWebCamps

They’re a great way to learn more about the IndieWeb and also a great excuse to visit a new place you’ve never been before.

I travelled over on a rail and sail ticket from London -> Utrecht with an overnight ferry.  I went to IWC over the weekend, plus a day in Utrecht before, and a day in Rotterdam afterwards.

Continue reading “IWC Utrecht & a trip to Holland”