"The Para-Real is where class politics, economics and the outcomes of hardware and infrastructure design collide."


"Over 12 episodes streamed weekly, we meet filmmakers who have never met their actors, artists building their own networks of value, documentarians exploring digital identity, and members of resilient subcultures"

starts 23rd may

Commoners are engaged in "world-making in a pluriverse".

Pluriverse names an understanding of the world in which countless groups of people create and re-create their own distinctive cultural realities, each of which constitutes a world.

A pluriverse is “a world in which many worlds fit,” as the Zapatistas say.

– Free, Fair and Alive

RSVPed: Interested in Attending Homebrew Website Club Europe/London

Join us… on ✨The Internet!✨
Link to the Zoom video conference will be visible above from 6:45pm (BST) and moderated throughout by the event organizers Calum and Ana.
Homebrew Website Club is a meetup for anyone interested in personal websites and a distributed web. Whether you’re a blogger, …

Heh nice the digital garden metaphor makes an appearance in Free, Fair and Alive:

"[…]people using Fedwiki sites are like gardeners or farmers. They can plant as many fields or gardens as they want, and reap the harvest from their own Fedwiki, but anyone else can also use someone’s harvest to enhance their own fields and gardens. Instead of toiling under a regime of private, competitive exclusion, the system encourages cooperative gains through commoning."


Replied to Frustrerende WordPress plugin by Frank Meeuwsen (diggingthedigital.com)

De Indieweb bouwstenen zijn een mooie verzameling onderdelen om extra functionaliteit aan je blog toe te voegen. Helaas werkt één van de plugins niet altijd naar behoren zoals ik vanochtend weer merkte.
Ik heb op mijn telefoon een Shortcut waarmee ik websites kan liken. Dit is vergelijkbaar met de…

I’ve had that same problem before, and never really reached a solution. I think you’re right – it is likely that it can’t parse the information it needs properly from the page you liked.

One way to dig in to it could be to see if that same URL, when pasted in to the ‘URL’ section when creating a post manually in WordPress (not via Micropub), gets the correct values picked up. That could point whether it is specifically a parsing issue or a Micropub issue.