Listened to . Great overview of VSM (for a newbie such as myself). Some tidbits:

  • Jon Walker who writes The VSM Guide was applying VSM to coops in the UK in the 80s (including )
  • In VSM management becomes a function of the overall system, not an individual role attainable only by those with a class privilege.
  • We should think of VSM as an explicitly socialist technology.

Replied to making a logo with PlantUML by Maya (

I don’t know quite why but this strikes me as a hilarious version of a blazon. This then raises questions about whether there are ways to configure PlantUML such that this image might be generated with a dramatically different appearance, and who should specify the equality comparison…

Haha, I love this idea! You can skin PlantUML a bit from what I’ve seen. Side note: I have a plot to make a bot that posts randomly-generated PlantUML art.