RSVPed: Attending IndieWebCamp London

IndieWebCamp London 2020 is a gathering for independent web creators of all kinds, from graphic artists, to designers, UX engineers, coders, hackers, to share ideas, actively work on creating for their own personal websites, and build upon each others creations.

Exciting, an IndieWebCamp in London!
Replied to End of year review 2019 by Calum Ryan (Calum Ryan)

Approaching the end of 2019 I look back on a year filled with some happy distractions away from the unending misery in UK politics and the climate crisis.

Happy New Year Calum!  That’s a good review.  Focusing on friends, family and health is a good antidote to the B-word for now.

Excited to hear there’s a IWC London in the works!

I went to Kendal on New Year’s Eve.  It’s a lovely little town nestled on the edge of the Lake District.  It’s the first time I’ve spent any time there, despite passing through it a lot.


Weir and bridge


A view from Kendal castle over to the Lake District


The Brewery Arts Centre, a brilliant little place


Replied to Goodbye 2019 (Oh Hello Ana – Blog)

Ana’s personal blog

Sorry it’s been a tough year for you Ana 🙁

Though I think you’re being hard on yourself (we are always our toughest critics) – it sounds like you did a lot! And I enjoyed hanging out with you at HWC.

Here’s to 2020 being a good one 🙂

Replied to by Ton Zijlstra (

The new Depot of the Boymans van Beuningen Museum in Rotterdam is becoming an amazing building.
I visited the ThingsCon conference recently in the Nieuwe Instituut across the road from the building site of the depot. Walking towards it I saw the entire Rotterdam skyline with high rises reflected in …

I saw this building while on the way back to the UK from IWC Utrecht! Very interesting – I didn’t know it was to house items from a museum, that’s even cooler. I really liked what I saw of Rotterdam.