So where possible I would like to get my ebooks directly from an independent publisher. epub format, DRM free. I can do this from
Verso for example. They watermark the books, putting my email address at the end of every chapter. While I disagree with that, I can definitely live with it, and kudos to them for eschewing DRM.
Most other books I don’t have that option. Next option, I’d like to buy from, which, to a lesser or greater degree, supports independent bookstores. I think it’s open for debate how and how much that support actually manifests, but at least the intent is there (fingers crossed that it’s not some cynical ethical-washing).
But Hive uses Adobe Digital Editions, a baleful DRM system from Adobe. It takes a book and licenses it to me only, first demanding I create an account with Adobe, then that I install Adobe’s app on my machine, and finally that I tie my device to this Adobe account. All my books must go through app, most likely sending information of my purchases to Adobe too. This for books that I have dutifully paid for, to load onto a device that I have purchased and own. Somehow into this equation Adobe have insidiously inserted themselves.
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