Really enjoyed reading @ntnsndr’s article [[Governable Stacks against Digital Colonialism]] for [[node club]]. Makes a ton of sense to me.

The ability to self-govern feels key to any alternative to big tech that we build or use, and feels a lot like commoning.

And the ‘stack’ element is vital – what use would a democratically-owned social media platform be, say, if it runs on a server owned by Amazon and you access it on a device locked down by Apple or Google over internet from a big telco.

Been reading [[Against Digital Colonialism]] for [[node club]].

It’s a great article.

"With almost half of humanity without access to basic forms of connectivity and entire countries with a pending digitisation process, new patterns of domination have just begun to emerge. This paper identifies these problems and suggests a technical and regulatory path to neutralise and reverse them in order to secure a future of digital autonomy, democracy, sovereignty and dignity."

Not only is vaccine inequity abhorrent, without vaccine equity we are perpetuating a global health risk.

The best way to improve access is enabling the local means of production of vaccines. That is prevented at the moment by patents and blocked technology transfer.

Basically a lack of knowledge sharing due to profit motives is killing people.

I’ve been reading [[Platform Socialism]] for node club this week. (Only 3 chapters so far though)

It has a preference for social ownership and community governance of platforms and infrastructure rather than antitrust etc, kind of reminded me of @ntnsndr governable stacks.

Looks like it gets into proper nitty gritty proposals for alternatives later, and mentions Fediverse, should be good.

Some agroecology claims:

* Agroecology helps humanity relink itself with nature
* Agroecology rebuts the predatory logic of nature’s use as a commodity and production resource
* Agroecology is not just alternative to green capitalism, but an alternative to capitalism itself
* Agroecology is what allows movements of struggle for land to exist
* Any serious struggle movement must have agroecology as its mode of production

I wonder out loud if there is any linkage between [[Law of Requisite Variety]] and the [[pluriverse]], [[Nested-I]], [[Ubuntu Rationality]] stuff from [[Free, Fair and Alive]].

e.g. if I think of the [[Agora]] / [[FedWiki]] and [[Wikipedia]] contrast, and the claim that [[Multiple voices are better than one]], then I think that multiple voices is more variety, and then more able to provide the variety needed to adequately navigate complex questions of coordination. And the flattening of voices in to one is an unhelpful reduction of variety.

On the flip side, too much variety leads to a [[cacophony of voices]].

I can not claim to know enough about either space to know if this is bollocks or not. Gut says worth exploring.

When I’m first learning about some new thing, X, I get a lot more value in someone I know saying "I like X" or "I dislike X" or "I’m interested in X" or "I something X" than a detailed objective description of what X is.