Although I am surprisingly uninterested in artificial intelligence as a topic these days, maybe it’s just the general discourse around it. Ways of Being sounds like it’ll be more up my street – comes across much more in line with [[evolutionary and adaptive systems]] vibe – i.e. importance of embodiment, environment, relationality.

Interested to learn more what Bridle means when he refers to an ecology of technology.

I invested some money into the new solar park that Ripple Energy is starting – Derril Water Solar Park. It’ll be an energy coop. Excited about it.

We can’t afford rooftop solar so really nice to be part of a shared solar project. I put a bit of money into Bristol Energy Cooperative before but I don’t actually live there so don’t get the benefit of the energy produced, unlike this Ripple one.

Hope Ripple they do another wind farm project soon, would like to get in on that.

Two recent learnings about the Greater London Council of the 1980s that I really liked:

1. they set up a number of spaces called Technology Networks – democratic, community-based workshops focused on socially useful production (h/t Internet for the People)

2. they turned the previously pricey/exclusive Royal Festival Hall into a freely accessible public space (h/t The Care Manifesto)