Also reading up on the upcoming [[Changes to councils in Cumbria]].
And finding a few climate-oriented organisations in Cumbria, like [[Cumbria Action for Sustainability]] and various local XRs. Need to look at it in a bit more detail but [[Zero Carbon Cumbria]] seems to have a checklist similar to the one from Climate Action Plan for Councils.
Apple have published their latest environmental progress report – [[Apple 2022 Environmental Progress Report]].
[[Restart]] have launched our [[Fixing Factory]] in Brent.
[[decentralised manufacture]].
Had a nice chat with Dan about [[org-roam]], [[zettelkasten]], and brainstorming a way to publish a collaborative [[digital garden]] he’s working on.
Attended the [[ Spring 2022 Strategy Session]] which was nice.
On the personal side, I’m trying to get in the habit of doing morning pages in a handwritten journal. It’s going well so far – a good mental health practice.
Reading leaflets from local councillors for the [[2022 Westmorland and Furness Council election]].
Lots of binocular action. Involved lots of sitings of birds. Starting to recognise a few more. We saw seals which were amazingly cute and comical from a distance.
Learned a little about using solar panels for the home.
I read a fair bit about the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report, part 3. Laying out what needs to be done. In essense: renewable energy, electric vehicles, low-carbon technology. "This report is essentially a manifesto for ending the fossil fuel age". We have the knowledge and the means, it just needs putting in to action.
In tandem, read about and learned that the UK energy strategy is terrible. Focusing on nuclear, ignoring onshore wind, even pushing fossil fuels.
I didn’t read much about Ukraine while away, but on return see that it is getting increasingly grim and on course to escalate further.
I’ve been reading a bit more of Cybernetic Revolutionaries. Interesting to contrast the Chilean version of a planned economy to the Soviet one. Chilean seems much better.
Next week is still Easter school holidays, and also it’s E’s birthday, so spending time on that.
Setting up alternative institutions to state power through municipalism, mutualism and syndicalism.
I first read about it in [[Jackson Rising]].
+ Put in for a place on the Data Leadership Cohort ( that [[Aspiration Tech]] is running, related to our work on [[open repair data]]. Got me thinking about [[data commons]].
+ I’ve noticed that I like writing [[technical documentation]].
+ I’ve always had a predilection for [[maintenance]] rather than the creation of shiny new things. I feel like writing docs is in keeping with that affinity.