Finished Dune off the other night. It was a bit Shakespearian, duelling families, noble characters, sweeping arcs of history and all that. Soliloquys. I did enjoy it and finished it off quickly. But on reflection I can’t say I really actually *liked* any of the characters very much. Interesting yes, do I care what happens to them, not so much.

On the plus side I can watch the David Lynch film now.

Read Protect the planet with these sustainable and repairable phones (Android Central)

A modular phone lets you connect accessories to add new features make it even better. Here are the best choices right now.

Good article on ethical/repairable options for smartphones.  Of course the most ethical phone is the one you already have, but… good to see some interest in the repairability of newer phones.  Teracube is interesting with their very reasonable flat fee for repairs for 4 years.

Read The Circular Economy Blueprint paves the way for a Right to Repair in Europe by Chloé Mikolajczak (

The European Commission’s Circular Economy Action Plan unveiled today hits all the right notes to make ‘right to repair’ a reality in Europe. Promises will now need to be matched with concrete initiatives.

Right to Repair was included in the European Commission’s Circular Economy Action Plan.  This is great news – first steps towards making repair commonplace in Europe (again…)

Very pleased to have stumbled across org-roam (

I think it’ll be the next step I wanted for my personal wiki that I’ve been keeping in org-mode.  I tried org-brain for a bit (again) and it just didn’t click, and also broke my org-publish step.  org-roam just works with straight up org file links, nothin’ fancy needed.

Hoping it’ll get me a bit closer to TiddlyWiki in Emacs kind of thing that I’m after.

I’m about two thirds of the way through Dune.  Still well written but all this stuff about the machinations of Fremen culture and Paul going off his nut and having visions all the time, I’m finding a bit less compelling plot-wise.  Also I don’t like things that are underground or in caves.  Makes me feel claustrophobic.
Read Fixers Know What ‘Repairable’ Means—Now There’s a Standard for It (

Last week, three years of arguing with industry finally paid off, as the European standard EN45554 was published. This official document with an unexciting name details ”general methods for the assessment of the ability to repair, reuse and upgrade energy-related products.” In plain English, it?…

A standard for measuring how easy it is to repair stuff. Accepted as a European standard.

If products were labelled with it, you could make an informed choice on buying a product that will be easy to repair when it breaks.


Digging this article on the Garden vs the Stream on the web.

Think about that for a minute — how much time we’ve all spent arguing, promoting our ideas, and how little time we’ve spent contributing to the general pool of knowledge.

Why? Because we’re infatuated with the stream, infatuated with our own voice, with the argument we’re in, the point we’re trying to make, the people in our circle we’re talking to.

Oof. Yes.

I want a Memex.

Read New report! How ecodesign & energy labelling can prevent premature obsolescence of laptops (ECOS – European Environmental Citizens Organisation for Standardisation)

The proliferation of electronic devices which are difficult to repair and whose lifespans are shortening, contributes to one of the fastest growing waste streams in the EU.

Long live the machine – a great policy paper on things that the EU could do to force manufacturers to make laptops last longer.