Read Reflections prompted by #ClimateStrike by Amy Guy (
Really nice post by @rhiaro about Open Data Services Coop’s climate policies.

It’s all really interesting, in particular that question of – what scale should we be pushing change?

Does individual action make any difference? Does a small org make any difference? Such a tough one but I totally agree that “at the very least we can spread the message, the intent, the energy to our friends, family, and possibly our clients, who might spread it onwards.”

Replied to On Panic Attacks by Jamie TannaJamie Tanna (

Remembering my first (and so far only) panic attack.

Thanks for posting this. I completely agree that talking about mental health issues in the open is really helpful to remove some of the stigma associated. It can be a bit scary, but the more people do it, the more normalised it will be. I posted about my social anxiety a while back.
I’m reflecting on my information strategy and how to improve it at the moment. Here’s the intro post to that, giving a bit of context.

In this particular post I’m going to chat specifically about discovery, AKA using the Intertubes to find out about interesting things. I can’t help but call my strategy for this my discostrat, apologies for that. I’ll talk a bit about how I’ve had it set up for a while, and some recent tweaks I’ve made to it, and maybe some ways I want to improve it more.

Photo by Vale Zmeykov on Unsplash

Continue reading “My Discovery Strategy, v0.2”

A nice article about scientific experiments in sustainable living from the 1970s.

They fizzled out unfortunately, like a lot of sustainability activity during the 80s and 90s, but might be ripe for revisiting.

One line stuck out, describing the lifestyle: ‘it almost looks like a parody’. Funny how happy, healthy living has become that…