Started working on BDD specs for my site.  Using codeception – very impressed with it so far, quite a mature BDD tool.  After all the initial faffing around with setup, I’m at a point where I have a Gherkin spec that navigates to a page, checks for some content, and takes a screenshot.
Quoted A circular economy for smart devices

demonstrating how companies can adapt software, hardware and business models for a circular economy. They show the changes companies could make, which parts of the supply chain might benefit most and which consumers are likely to be most receptive.

Three types of intervention that can be made – hardware, software, and business model.
Quoted A circular economy for smart devices (

This report shows how companies across the mobile electronics supply chain can adopt a circular economy model to make money out of old devices, attract new customers around the world, increase brand loyalty, and cut manufacturing costs and risks. Doing so would also help to cut electronic waste, carbon emissions and resource use.

The report seems quite business-focused.  The intended reader seems to be businesses?  The environmental and social benefits seem to be presented as a side benefit.
Really impressed by spacemacs  so far.  I started out with Emacs back in the day.  Switched to Vim at some point.  Spent the last 7 years or so using Visual Studio with the fantastic VsVim plugin.  After a while I began to see Vim more as a great set of keybindings, not so much as a program to proselytise in its own right.   Most text editors will have a Vim keybindings plugin.  Now, after moving to new work and away from the Microsoft stack, Spacemacs is seeming like a great system – very very thorough Vim bindings support, but with a very powerful and well-though out system underneath that.
Spacemacs was completely unresponsive at startup.  Turns out, for whatever reason, it was after I was using my laptop in a new place, and based on this FAQ obviously the ISP there was doing something funky:

Adding the settings there to the user-init function did the trick:

(setq tramp-ssh-controlmaster-options
      "-o ControlMaster=auto -o ControlPath='tramp.%%C' -o ControlPersist=no")
Trying to install a Duplicator package locally, I was hitting an issue where the package wasn’t creating a number of tables (including wp_posts) in my database.

Debugged it by running database.sql script manually in mysql.

This produced a few errors of Invalid default value for datetime fields, mostly.

Page here has some insights into this:

The fix is to add



to my.cnf.